
This, the Retro Resolution blog, aims to document my experiences of retro video gaming on the Raspberry Pi.

This blog’s related Twitter account is @retroresolution

Initially I’ll be writing about the RetroPie multi-system emulation package, which includes a diverse range of systems including the Atari 2600, Snes, Megadrive, Playstation, and the Nintendo 64.

Since starting the blog I’ve also begun posting retro video game reviews, covering a range of systems from the ZX-81 onwards.

There are a great many resources providing guidance to gamers regarding the setup and configuration of RetroPie, however when building my installation I found myself repeatedly encountering issues which were not covered in the standard guides (which, in general, assume that everything will ‘just work’).

Some of my troubles were deeply technical (overclocking the Pi hardware , and stability testing the system afterwards), whilst others were simply the lack of definitions for key terms (what exactly is the ‘core menu’?) which hindered progress.

I soon discovered that to resolve various issues, and tweak the setup so it matched my needs, I’d been on a quest covering all corners of the internet, visiting blogs, forums, YouTube, and even GitHub source code repositories for individual emulators.

I’d amassed a great deal of notes, and decided to collate the information and share my findings in a single repository, hence the genesis of this, my first, blog.

As with most things technical, ‘your mileage may vary’ – this blog can only cover what has worked, and not worked, for me.

Please read the notes regarding the legalities of system and software emulation – it’s worth conducting your own research into this if you aim to run emulators, especially as there will be a wide variance in what is and is not allowed across the globe, and from company to company (both hardware and software vendors).

6 thoughts on “About

  1. Just want to say that I enjoyed a few of your guides, they all worked excellent and it was fun to modify some of the parameters you set. I’ve recommended your blog to other peoples as well!


  2. Hi, I found the ffmeg script you wrote here to be very helpful: https://retroresolution.com/compiling-ffmpeg-from-source-code-all-in-one-script/

    But I just wanted to let you know that the git repo for x264 has moved to: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/x264
    So the line for “git clone git://git.videolan.org/x264” should be changed to something like “git clone https://code.videolan.org/videolan/x264.git

    Also on my version of the script I added “set -e” as the second line, because I prefer to quit out if something goes wrong. But that’s just a preference. 🙂



    1. Hi Mark,
      Many thanks for this information. Sadly my site has been long neglected due to ongoing I’ll health, so this comment is most welcome as it keeps the article usable.
      Take care, and thanks


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